
How thorough was your last boiler service ❓🤔


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Cleaning the magnetic filter is part of our servicing procedure where we will clean the filter, removing any contaminants before it enters the system. Ready for another 12 months! ♻️

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iSafe Gas 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🔥
☎️ 0141 230 2383
📨 info@isafegas.co.uk
🌏 www.isafegas.co.uk

Scott Smith

iSafe Gas (Part of iSafe Homes LTD)

0141 230 2383 


Safety | Relationships | Delivery | Innovation

iSafe Homes Ltd (Company Number: SC670595)

Registered in Scotland.

VAT Number: 428258382

Clyde Offices, 2nd Floor,
48 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BP

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